Showing posts with label law firm thailand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label law firm thailand. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2024

How to hire a Business Law Firm in Thailand?

As Thailand solidifies itself as a Southeast Asian business and investment hub, entrepreneurs, and companies alike must navigate its intricate legal landscape. To ensure adherence to laws, mitigate potential risks, and facilitate seamless operations, choosing a trusted business law firm in Thailand is vital. In this article, we delve into the critical factors businesses should consider when selecting a legal partner in Thailand.

Before you move into searching for a trustworthy business law firm in Thailand, you must be ready with your homework. This means, that you must know what exactly you want to do in Thailand. As a leading corporate law firm in Thailand for more than a decade, we often meet clients who are confused about their pristine requirements. You must understand that the level of compliance necessary to do business in a foreign land is very different from that in your country.

Ask yourself whether you are looking for assistance with company formation in Thailand, contract drafting, intellectual property protection, or litigation. Clarifying your requirements will help narrow down your search and find a law firm with the expertise to meet your needs. 

Corporate law firms: These are law firms catering to corporations that provide expert counsel on legal matters. These firms assist businesses throughout their lifecycle, from the initial setup to contract negotiations and dispute resolution.

Intellectual property law firms: These firms specialize in providing counsel to businesses on intellectual property matters, encompassing trademarks, copyrights, and patents. They assist businesses in safeguarding their intellectual property and upholding their intellectual property rights.

Family law firms: Family law firms focus on offering legal advice and guidance to individuals in various aspects of family law. These matters may include divorce, child custody, child support, and other family-related legal issues. These law firms ensure the protection of client’s rights and assist them in reaching satisfactory resolutions within the framework of the law.

Litigation law firms: Firms specializing in litigation law represent clients in court proceedings. These firms assist clients in resolving various legal disputes, including business conflicts, personal injury cases, and criminal matters.

Fortunately, if you are reading this article, you may get all these services in one place. Contact the leading business law firm in Thailand that holds multiple specializations for local as well as global investors in Thailand.

If not us, while looking for a corporate or business law firm in Thailand, ensure that your selection process undergoes the following stages;

When evaluating law firms, consider their expertise and specialization in business law. Look for firms with a proven track record in corporate law, commercial transactions, regulatory compliance, and other relevant areas. A firm with specialized knowledge and experience in your industry can provide tailored legal solutions to address your unique challenges and opportunities.

Research the reputation and experience of potential law firms in Thailand. Look for firms with a solid reputation for professionalism, integrity, and successful outcomes. Consider factors such as the firm’s tenure in the industry, client testimonials, case studies, and awards or recognitions received.

Choose a law firm with a deep understanding of the local legal system, regulations, and business practices in Thailand. A firm with local knowledge and connections can navigate complex legal issues more effectively and provide strategic advice tailored to the Thai market. Additionally, a firm with a network of contacts in government agencies, industry associations, and other key stakeholders can facilitate smoother business operations and transactions.

Effective communication is crucial when working with a law firm. Evaluate the firm’s communication channels, responsiveness, and accessibility. Choose a firm that values clear and timely communication, understands your business goals, and keeps you informed throughout the legal process. Accessibility to key personnel, such as partners or senior attorneys, is also essential for building a strong client-lawyer relationship.

Discuss the fee structure and billing practices with potential law firms upfront. Transparency regarding fees, billing rates, and payment terms is essential to avoid surprises and ensure a clear understanding of costs. Consider whether the firm offers alternative fee arrangements, such as fixed fees or capped fees, that align with your budget and preferences.

Lastly, consider the personal chemistry and fit between your team and the law firm. Building a strong working relationship based on trust, mutual respect, and open communication is crucial for a successful partnership. Schedule initial consultations or meetings with potential law firms to assess compatibility and ensure a good fit for your business needs.

Selecting a reliable business law firm in Thailand is a critical decision that can significantly impact your business’s success and longevity. By carefully evaluating factors such as expertise, reputation, local knowledge, communication, and fit, you can choose a legal partner who understands your business objectives and helps you navigate the complexities of the Thai legal landscape with confidence.

  • Drafting MOA, MOU, AOA, and Partnership Agreements
  • Executing Power of Attorneys
  • Translation and Notary Services
  • Company Registration Process including Board of Investment Promotions
  • Bookkeeping, Accounting, Tax, and Payroll support post your company incorporation

Friday, February 23, 2024

BOI Thailand Focus on New Industries to Promote Foreign Direct Investment


The Board of Investment (BOI) of Thailand is one of the pinnacle organizations that focuses greatly on easing out the process of business registration and operations for global investors in Thailand. If you have been researching the global business ecosystem of Thailand for a long, you must have known about this by now. However, if you have just started on this, let us tell you for sure that there is a great benefit that foreign investors can gain from BOI Thailand. The non-exhaustive list of the benefits is as follows:

  • Investment Incentives with almost 100% deduction on corporate income tax of the investment value

  • Tax Incentives in the form of corporate income tax exemption for a period of up to 13 years from the year of incorporation

  • Land or property ownership permissions

  • Provision of up to 100% foreign ownership of Thai business

  • Higher level of freedom and authority to remit foreign currency and bring in foreign skilled workers in Thailand

Aren’t these privileges enough to encourage global investors to start a business in Thailand?

But you will be more pleased to know that there are various other additional incentives for foreign investors based on the industry in which they are planning to do business. For convenience, we have listed some of the primary industries that BOI Thailand prefers to promote (Click to get the details):

Firstly, you must know why BOI Thailand Promotions is Mandatory for Foreign Investors.

Henceforth, deciding upon the type of business you are planning to conduct, the following are the respective benefits associated with each:

Apart from these, there are vivid sets of tax and non-tax incentives relevant to other sectors like agriculture and poultry, the electrical and electronics industry, manufacturing businesses, and the tourism industry. Subscribe to our newsletter on BOI Thailand Benefits to get the recent BOI updates on the respective industries and businesses.

Now you must be wondering why BOI Thailand is so keen on facilitating business registration and operations for foreign investors in Thailand. The primary reason is to promote the growth of foreign direct investment and take the nation forward in its target group of industries.

To determine its target industries and set of business activities, BOI Thailand revises its policies frequently with an investor-friendly approach. This article intends to share with you the latest updates on the BOI Thailand policies to promote foreign businesses and facilitate the same for global investors.

5 Key Agendas of BOI Thailand Advancing Towards Transformation and Development

Agenda 1: Green Transformation

This agenda endorses policy targets of Carbon Neutrality by 2050 and Net Zero Emission by 2065. Additionally, it supports carbon credit management.

Agenda 2: Development of Technology

This agenda aims to support 1,000 Innovation Driven Enterprises (IDES) with an annual revenue of 1 billion baht providing the following benefits:

  • Promote commercializing of research and innovations.

  • Encourage the establishment of R&D centers in Thailand.

  • Attract leading foreign incubators/VCs

Additionally, BOI Thailand supports startups involved in deep technology research in the target segment.

Agenda 3: Attract and Develop Talent

This agenda aims to make Thailand grow to be a regional talent hub. To facilitate the same, BOI Thailand plans to do the following:

  • Attract highly skilled professionals in the targeted industries to work in Thailand.

  • Support Human Resources Development in Thailand.

Agenda 4: Prioritize Cluster-based Investment

This agenda aims to decentralize investments and distribute growth based on local potentials across the country. To meet this target, BOI aims to develop industrial zones and stimulate employment in regions with high labor availability and low income per capita.

Agenda 5: Promote Ease of Investment

Through this agenda, BOI intends to position Thailand as the Trade & Investment Gateway for the ASEAN Group of Nations. To achieve this, BOI has all plans in place to streamline regulations and facilitate investors' services to attract more investment.

These 5 key agendas raise the need to identify the appropriate industries that can contribute strategically to the fulfillment of the goals.

5 Strategic Industries on BOI Radar to Drive Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand

Bio Circular Green or BCG Economy

Focus on this industry aims to place Thailand as ASEAN's "BCG Capital". To facilitate this business group, BOI Thailand plans to extend the following benefits to foreign investors:

  • Promote investments in Biocomplex, the Economic Corridors in the four regions. 

  • Expand the community and society development measures to cover the community forest management and PM 2.5 reduction.

Automotive Industry with a special focus on Electric Vehicles

Thailand aims to develop itself as a Premier Global Automotive Manufacturing Center. To achieve this goal, BOI Thailand is all set to extend the following supports:

  • Promote a complete EV production ecosystem

  • Support the established automakers in transitioning to EVs and advanced technologies to reduce CO2 emissions.

  • Assist the traditional auto-part makers in transitioning to new technologies or industries.

  • Promote the management of used EV batteries.

Electronics Industry for Upstream and Smart Electronics

Thailand is gradually evolving as a Smart Electronics Manufacturing Hub in the ASEAN region. To establish this presence throughout the APAC regions, BOI Thailand aims the development of the Upstream Electronics Industry in Thailand.

To achieve this result, BOI Thailand facilitates promotions for investment in the entire supply chain of the electronics industry, including upstream, midstream, and downstream.

Digital & Creative Economy

In this segment, BOI Thailand aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Transforming into ASEAN's Digital and Creative Center.

  • Attracting investment in hyper-scale data centers and cloud services

  • Promote a fully integrated digital industry

  • Focus on promoting Thailand's high-potential creative industry.

Regional Headquarters & International Business Center

As a gateway to Southeast Asia, now is the perfect time to position Thailand as an International Business Hub. Focusing on this, BOI Thailand extends business facilitations and foreign investment promotions targeting the following:

  • Continuously attract more target companies to establish RHQs in Thailand.

  • Collaborate with related agencies in establishing a one-stop service for advising and facilitating the establishment of RHQs and expatriates living in Thailand.

  • Upgrade the HQ Biz Portal.

Now what should be our Step for BOI Thailand Promotions?

Now that you have the latest updates on the agenda and industries on which the Board of Investment of Thailand is focusing, the following things must have been clear:

  1. Whether the business you are planning is eligible for BOI promotion or not.

  2. Whether there is a need to modify your business pattern to fall in the promotion slab of BOI.

  3. Whether the benefit BOI is committing to extend will be helpful for your business or not.

There may be many other “whethers” that might have changed or affirmed their perspectives in your mind. But, some more questions are still unanswered like the following:


  1. Are these benefits applicable to all global investors and are you eligible to apply for BOI Thailand promotions?

  2. What are the steps of getting a BOI Thailand Promotions Certificate?

  3. What to do before and after registering your BOI Company in Thailand?

To get answers to such or more complicated questions, you must consult with a leading corporate law firm in Thailand with experience in BOI Company Registration. 

For direct support, feel free to email us at

Saturday, November 11, 2023

How to Start Fintech Company in Thailand?


A phenomenal shift in the global corporate landscape is one of the outcomes of the rapid improvements in the Fintech Industry. This evolution has brought about a significant transformation in global commerce. Southeast Asia is one of the areas driving this revolutionary shift, setting the pace for emerging trends and adopting fintech technology first. Thailand, as one of the leading Southeast nations, embraces business evolutions wholeheartedly and welcomes foreign investors to start fintech businesses in Thailand.

Thailand is a prominent focus for international firms seeking to create a presence in Southeast Asian countries through fintech expansion. With the help of thoughtfully crafted legal frameworks and government incentives that actively assist the development of fintech ventures, Thailand’s digital marketplace is expanding at a remarkable rate. Thailand has a talent pool full of tech-savvy people.

The combination of all of these factors fosters an incredibly favorable atmosphere for the growth of the fintech business in Thailand. Yet it’s important to understand that there are obstacles as well as opportunities when entering this industry, not the least of which is figuring out how to set it up. Amidst all options incorporating a fintech business via the Board of Investment in Thailand (BOI) is the most convenient one. This article discusses the process in detail.

Promoting and enabling foreign direct investment is the responsibility of the BOI, a government agency. Attracting high-value investments that boost the nation’s technological and economic development is its main goal. To promote investment and expansion in strategically important industries, the BOI grants various incentives and privileges to qualified companies, including those in the fintech industry.

The BOI application is the most effective way for fintech companies to access the Thai market out of all the available options. The substantial advantages of the BOI application are examined in this article, with particular attention paid to tax breaks, industries that are promoted, fintech business categories, regulatory obstacles, and the application procedure. Fintech companies can strategically navigate Thailand’s rapidly expanding digital market by thoroughly understanding the benefits and considerations of the BOI route.

For international fintech companies looking to enter the Thai market, the BOI certification is a favorable option due to its several benefits. These advantages cover both BOI tax and non-tax incentives, fostering a favorable atmosphere for the development and expansion of businesses.

The alluring tax incentives are among the biggest benefits of earning BOI certification. While the manufacturing and industrial sectors are the focus of many BOI programs, tax exemptions or reductions are available to BOI-certified fintech businesses for a maximum of eight years, contingent upon the amount of investment and the nature of the business operations. Some of the exclusive tax benefits are as follows:

  • Exemption for a duration of three to eight years from corporate income taxes
  • Dividends from initiatives marketed during the corporate income tax holiday are exempt from taxes.
  • Permit to deduct losses from income for a maximum of five years.

It is important to keep in mind that depending on the exact good or service associated with the project being promoted, the BOI tax incentive details may change. Furthermore, as decreasing regional disparities within Thailand is one of the BOI’s duties, the project’s geographic location may have an impact on the degree of benefits.

Full foreign ownership is permitted for a portion of fintech companies with BOI certification, allowing them to circumvent usual limits. For foreign investors looking to get into the Thai market, this exemption could be advantageous.

Companies that have earned BOI certification are entitled to expedited procedures for securing work permits and visas for foreign experts, executives, and skilled laborers. This makes it easier to find and hire talent from around the world, which adds to a workforce that is both talented and diverse.

The BOI provides assistance and facilitation services to certified fintech businesses. These services help businesses get the licenses they need, interact with the right government bodies, and successfully navigate regulatory requirements.

Companies with BOI certification, as opposed to those without, can possess land in Thailand to conduct business.

Remittances in foreign currencies are made possible by BOI certification, which facilitates more seamless financial operations for global companies.

Entities holding a BOI certification are allowed to freely repatriate investment profits and funds.

Companies with the BOI certification are shielded from having their firm nationalized, protecting their operations and investments.

For a variety of tech industries that fall under Category 5 of BOI-promoted activities, the BOI provides promotion schemes. Among the well-known tech sectors in this category are:

Under Category 5.7, two distinct types of software industries are eligible for BOI promotion: 

  • Embedded or High Value-Added Software 
  • Enterprise Software and/or Digital Content

Category 5.8: E-Commerce

Category 5.9: Digital Services (Including fintech). Digital services encompass a wide range of offerings. It includes software platforms, managed services, digital architecture design, and various industry-specific fintech services like insurtech, regtech, medtech, agritech, etc.

  • To apply for BOI investment promotion, approval from Thailand’s Ministry of Digital Economy and Society is necessary.
  • The hiring of digital experts is mandatory. Additionally, the project must have a financial expenditure of at least one million baht (approx. USD 28,000). However, this expenditure excludes fees for land and operating capital.
  • The project must deliver digital services and have the mentions in the reports.
  • Within two years of the start of full operations, projects that need investments of 10 million baht or more. Note that, this investment excludes land and working capital expenses. Additionally, it must receive ISO2000 certification or other quality standards certified by Thailand’s Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.
  • The revenue for the promoted business will be derived from sales or services that are directly associated with the digital services firm that is being marketed.

Due to their considerable strategic significance and ability to propel strong economic growth in the nation, the BOI actively promotes and supports investments in particular fintech sector segments. The following types of Fintech businesses are eligible for BOI promotions easily:

The BOI promotes fintech companies that facilitate peer-to-peer lending. Promoting investments in P2P lending platforms helps to diversify Thailand’s financial environment. Additionally, it facilitates greater financial inclusion, as the BOI holds the responsibility to minimize regional disparity.

Electronic wallets and digital payments are some of the fintech topics that the BOI pays particular attention to. The BOI’s incentive helps improve the convenience and accessibility of digital financial services for the Thai populace. Additionally, it fosters innovation in payment technologies.

Blockchain technology adoption and use is another area that the BOI actively promotes within the fintech industry. BOI assists blockchain technology businesses focusing on identity verification, smart contracts, and supply chain management.

The BOI encourages investments in insurtech businesses because it acknowledges the revolutionary potential of technology in the insurance industry. The benefits of receiving support from the BOI can be numerous and include access to partnerships and investment, regulatory guidance specific to the insurtech industry’s difficulties, and the chance to work with well-established players in the insurance sector.

To Apply for BOI Promotion and start fintech business in Thailand, you need to follow these steps:

A substantial time and effort commitment is necessary due to the intricate application process for the BOI certification. Getting approvals for hiring and business operations can be difficult, and even after establishment, meeting the operational requirements of the BOI can be difficult. Common obstacles to attaining and preserving compliance include:

  • Drafting and submitting an effective feasibility study to the approvals committee
  • Proving the importance of particular positions held by foreigners in management and staff
  • Providing compelling evidence of the qualifications and experience of foreign workers
  • Following Thai accounting and financial reporting regulations to the letter

Konrad Legal, the leading corporate law firm in Thailand, stands out among these complications as a highly-skilled partner to help with BOI certification in Thailand. Businesses may easily traverse the BOI Thailand application process, including completing the required paperwork, participating in crucial interviews, and upholding compliance duties with the extensive help of the Konrad Legal team. Fintech businesses that work with Konrad as a strategic partner may get past regulatory roadblocks like creating convincing feasibility studies, validating important responsibilities, and adhering to strict accounting regulations.
Get in touch with us right now to start your road toward success, growth, and innovation in Thailand’s thriving fintech sector. Please email us at and our team will get back to you within one Thai working day to help you start your fintech business in Thailand.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

How to Reserve Company Name in Thailand?


Starting a business in Thailand is an exciting endeavor, but it comes with certain administrative procedures that need to be followed meticulously. One of the first steps in registering a company in Thailand is reserving a unique and suitable company name. This article will guide you through the process of company name reservation in Thailand, outlining the steps and important considerations.

Importance of a Good Company Name

Choosing the right company name is crucial for your business in Thailand. A well-thought-out name can help your company stand out in the market, establish a brand identity, and gain recognition. It also plays a significant role in building trust and credibility with your customers, partners, and stakeholders.

Steps to Reserve a Company Name in Thailand

Preliminary Name Check

Before formally reserving a company name, conduct a preliminary name check. This can be done through the Department of Business Development’s (DBD) website or by visiting their office. However, take our suggestion on this – either you should know or understand the Thai language, or have someone by your side with the capability to do so. The goal is to ensure that the name you desire is unique and not already registered by another company.

Reserve the Name

Once you’ve confirmed the availability of your chosen name, you can officially reserve it. This can be done online through the DBD’s website or in person at the DBD office. Keep someone who knows and understands the Thai language by your side for smooth communication with the DBD officials. A reservation fee is typically required.

Submission of Required Documents

You will need to provide certain documents when submitting your name reservation request. These documents may include a copy of your passport, proof of address, and a completed application form. Make sure to check the specific requirements with the DBD.

Name Approval

The DBD will review your name reservation application. If the name is unique and complies with their guidelines, it will be approved. This process can take a few days, and you will receive a confirmation once your name is officially reserved.

Name Reservation Period

In Thailand, a company name reservation is typically valid for 30 days. You must register your company within this period using the reserved name, or you may need to repeat the name reservation process.

Company Registration

With your reserved name, you can proceed with the registration of your company. This involves preparing the necessary documents, determining the business structure (limited company, partnership, etc.), and fulfilling other legal requirements.

Important Considerations


Your company name can be in Thai, English, or a combination of both. Ensure that the name is easy to pronounce and memorable for your target audience.


The name you choose must be distinctive and not too similar to existing company names. The DBD has strict guidelines regarding name uniqueness.

Trademark Research

Conduct thorough research to ensure your chosen name is not trademarked by another business, which could lead to legal disputes.


Consider how the name relates to your business activities. A relevant name can help potential customers understand what your company does.

Future Growth

Think about the scalability of the name. Will it still suit your company if it expands or diversifies its offerings?

Now maintaining all these steps and adhering to the regulations meticulously, 


Reserving a company name in Thailand is a crucial initial step when starting a business. It’s important to choose a name that reflects your business identity, is easy to remember, and complies with legal requirements. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering the key factors mentioned, you can successfully reserve a company name and set your business on the right path in the vibrant Thai market.

However, keeping the constraints in mind, you may face various hurdles in the process. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a corporate law firm in Thailand to easily swim through the process successfully and get your preferred name for your business in Thailand. Email us at to get in touch with our Thai corporate law experts instantly!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

How to Start Food Business in Thailand?


Are you aspiring to start a food business in Thailand? Then this article is going to be your super guide in the process. Due to the huge influx of visitors to Thailand, many global entrepreneurs invest in the Thai food industry. A foreign investor must adhere to Thai law’s regulations for business registration. Additionally, they should focus on consumer protection to create a business that sells food.

However, this article aims to guide you through the 3 most easy ways to start your food business in Thailand. 

First Easy Way to Start a Food Business in Thailand: Focus on Natural Resources

You must note that the food business is not only restricted to cafes and restaurants. Now is the high time to break free from this concept. Setting up a cafe, restaurant, pub, food truck or trailer never means doing food business in Thailand exclusively. They are simply a part of the food industry of Thailand and never denote the whole of it.

Thailand is often referred to as the “Food Valley of the World” due to its abundance of agricultural resources. Furthermore, Thailand holds a huge reserve of livestock and marine life. It’s noteworthy, that the kingdom holds high global ranks in terms of stock and export of these commodities.

Now would the kingdom ever want to lose this leading status in the world? Never!

Therefore, the Royal Thai Government in association with the Board of Investment facilitates the process of ease in starting a food business in this segment. It is to promote the involvement of Thai and foreign investors to boost Thailand’s position in global rankings. 

Food Processing Company

Processed foods contribute to almost 52% of Thai food exports and 15% of Thai manufacturing exports. Additionally, this year till June, the kingdom has already exported products worth US$ 45 billion. Aren’t the figures inspiring enough to start a food processing company in Thailand? 

The food processing industry in Thailand has various segments and verticals. To narrow down your scope of market research let us give you some hints.

Your business can specialize in either moderately processed or highly processed foods. Both these segments have vividly different consumer bases, which are remarkably huge respectively. Moderately processed foods refer to food items subject to canning, freeze-drying, and other preservation techniques. Whereas, highly processed foods are ready-to-eat meals, convenient meats, and meat and vegetable products. Additionally, there is a big local and export market for processed halal foods in Thailand. 

The market is promising with guaranteed growth. If you are not convinced enough, you may proceed to start your restaurant in Thailand.

Food Seasoning Company

The abundance of agricultural and raw materials in Thailand along with the availability of trained manpower is gradually reinforcing the kingdom as one of the leading food seasoning ingredient exporters. According to the Board of Investment of Thailand, the kingdom is the world’s sixth-largest exporter of food seasoning and flavoring ingredients with Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and Malaysia as the primary export destinations.

Additionally, the local need for food seasoning ingredients is also increasing due to the boom in the Thai hospitality industry post-COVID. Therefore, even if you are not opening a restaurant or cafe, you are going to cater to their requirements.


In the current fiscal till May 2023, the revenue generated in the Thai beverage market is almost US$1200 million. Isn’t this aspiring?

The Thai beverage market assures a CAGR of 5.2% with high demand for functional drinks and fruit juices. Additionally, Thai consumers are always in search of new and sophisticated flavors of functional drinks. This market tendency is going to give you as an investor a great scope to research and expand.

Trading Centres

This is another thriving market in Thailand. You can set up cold storage, silos and involve your business in trade and auction of agriculture products. Additionally, you can also launch digital platforms to accomplish the said objectives. Your business can also provide a platform to service farmers and business operators and a system to monitor and control the quality of agricultural products. 

Now you may ask where’s the ease? The ease is in the process of incorporating these food business units. Additionally, you can also access various alternative ways to reduce the stringency in the process, provided, you have a reliable Thai corporate lawyer by your side. Also, note that the process of registering these business units requires relatively less collateral than starting a restaurant, cafe, food truck, or stall in Thailand.

Second Easy Way to Start a Food Business in Thailand: Focus on BOI & Thai Government Incentives

If you have gone through the previous section, you may think that we talked mostly about the food manufacturing and processing business. That’s true, but, these business activities fall in the BOI-eligible bracket. Nonetheless, being in the food industry, you will target the manufacturing segment and can bag tax and non-tax benefits from the Board of Investment of Thailand.

If your food business project complies well with the BOI eligibility criteria, you will start getting the following benefits from the time you start thinking about the incorporation:

  • Ease in the Thai Company Registration Process.
  • No restriction in bringing in foreign skilled workers in Thailand.
  • High probability of gaining 100% foreign ownership of the planned business. (In other cases, you will need to have a Thai partner holding 51% of the share of your business.)
  • Exemption in the VAT and excise tax associated with the import of machinery in Thailand from your native or preferred nation.
  • Become eligible for incentives on the investment in the project.

Apart from these basic benefits, you will also be eligible for other tax and non-tax benefits which, although not restricted to, primarily focus on the following:

  • Corporate Income Tax exemption of up to 13 years.
  • Gain a 100% tax deduction on utility bills generated in operating your business in Thailand.      
  • Receive tax and non-tax benefits in expanding your business in Thailand.
  • Some promoted activities receive a reduction in withholding tax rates on dividends paid to foreign investors or companies.
  • Certain expenses incurred by BOI-promoted companies, such as research and development, human resource development, and transportation costs, can be double deducted when calculating taxable income.
  • BOI-promoted companies are allowed to carry forward losses for up to five years, which can be deducted from future profits.

Aren’t these going to make the process of setting up and operating your food business easy in Thailand? 

Your cafe and restaurant business may give you margin, but the said lines of business will surely grant you greater ease in operating your business. Additionally, you can also enjoy greater business authority. However, if still you are thinking of a restaurant in Thailand, here is the cost of starting a restaurant in Thailand.

Third Easy Way to Start a Food Business in Thailand: Consult a Professional Thai Corporate Law Firm

Irrespective of the fact as whether you are a Thai or foreign investor, you must have a professional corporate law firm by your side to start your food business easily in Thailand. The primary reason is getting fool-proof procedural guidance, followed by other documentation and application-support benefits.

We understand that to start your business in Thailand, you might either be in the thinking phase or may have started making the preparations for the same. Irrespective of the phase you are in, we have solutions for you. Email us your business plan at and go for a consultation with our team of corporate law professionals. Not only would you get the best advice, but, we will surely make your process to start a food business in Thailand – EASY!