Monday, July 31, 2023

What are the Rights and Responsibilities of Company Director in Thailand?


This is a basic overview of the rights and responsibilities of a company director in Thailand.

In Thailand, each corporation is required to have at least one director who will oversee the company’s operations in accordance with its bylaws and annual shareholders’ meeting.

Role of a Company Director in Thailand

  • Deciding by voting at the board meeting
  • Deciding on matters required by laws or proposed by the management
  • Setting goals, policies, and strategies
  • Monitor, oversee, and evaluate

Eligibility to Become a Company Director in Thailand

The qualifications for an individual to be a director are:

  • Must be at least 20 years old
  • Not incompetent or bankrupt
  • Can be a resident or non-resident

Appointment of Company Director in Thailand

The general shareholder meeting has the power to elect directors. A new director for the corporation may only be appointed by the majority of shareholder votes. After the election is complete, an individual earns the position, rights, and responsibilities of a company director in Thailand.

Resignation of Company Director in Thailand

Any director who wishes to resign must submit a resignation letter to the company in accordance with section 1153 of the Thai Limited Company Law, and the resignation is effective as of the day the letter is received by the business. Resigning directors may also inform the Registrar of their resignation.

The director’s declaration to resign from his position as a corporate director must be included in the resignation letter and must be signed by the departing director.

Removal of a Thai Company Director

A general meeting resolution that removes a director may be adopted.

If a director refuses to sign the resignation letter, issues may occur when removing them. A shareholder resolution to fire the director should be secured if this occurs.

The company must file the registration to the Ministry of Commerce within 14 days of a change in the board of directors.

Duties of a Thai Company Director

Statutory Duties

The duties of a director in a Private Limited Company in Thailand include:

  • Manage the company according to their experience and knowledge
  • Make sure that shareholders make the payment of shares
  • Organize the keeping of books and documents
  • Distribute the dividend or interest payments
  • Enforce the decisions in the shareholders’ meetings
  • Not undertake commercial transactions of the same nature as, and competing with the company, either on his own account or of a third person
  • Not be a partner with unlimited liability in other companies of the same nature as or competing with the company

In addition to the above, Public Company Directors have the entitlement to some more duties like the following:

  • Observing the Public Companies Act, the company’s objects and articles of association
  • Not engage in any business in competition with the company
  • Where a director purchases or sells property or does any business with the company, such transactions do not bind the company, unless approved by the board of directors

Fiduciary Duties

The fiduciary duties of a director are to:

  • Act in good faith and in the best interests of the company
  • Act with proper intentions
  • Avoid conflict of interest between personal and company matters

Powers of Thai Company Directors

  • Although there may be vacancies among them, the remaining directors may still act. However, if and for as long as their number falls below that required to constitute a quorum, the remaining directors may only act to call a general meeting of the company or to increase the number of directors to that number (section 1159).
  • Directors may determine the quorum for the transaction of business at their meetings. However, in case of no quorum, three directors must form the majority when there are more than three directors (section 1160).
  • At every board meeting, a majority vote settles the questions. However, in the event of a tie vote, the chairman has a casting vote (section 1161).
  • A director may convene a board meeting at any moment (section 1162).
  • The directors may choose one of their members to preside over meetings. Additionally, they can set the tenure of his/her term in office in the absence of a chairman (section 1163).
  • Any authority held by the directors is subject to transfer to management or committees made up of other directors. Every manager or committee must follow any directives or rules that the directors may impose on them when exercising the authority entrusted to them (section 1164).

Liabilities of a Thai Company Director

If a director doesn’t carry out their duties or responsibilities, they may face termination, face financial penalties, or have to pay the firm, their shareholders, or other parties that suffered losses.

If the director’s negligence causes a criminal offense, such as public cheating and fraud, defamation, document forgery, or currency counterfeiting, the offense is due to the director’s action or negligence in order for the director to be criminally accountable.

According to Section 1169 of the Civil and Commercial Code, the company or, in the event the company declines to act, any shareholder, may file claims against the directors for compensation for harm they caused to the firm.

In the event that the company’s creditors have unresolved claims against it, they may also enforce such claims.

In order to avoid any duty violations, it is crucial that you understand the functions and responsibilities of a director, who are a necessary component of any Thai firm. 

However, to be a Director of a Thai company, you must register your company in Thailand. Are you aspiring to be one? 
Contact Konrad Legal Company Limited for complete support and coordination in the process with expert company registration services in Thailand. Email us at and our team will get back to you within one working day! Additionally, we can also help you through the process of maintaining decorum and executing all the rights and responsibilities as a company director in Thailand.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

How to Find the Top Corporate Law Firm in Thailand?


Have you recently moved to Thailand and planning to register a company or your existing business in Thailand? Then you must have the best corporate law firm in Thailand by your side!

To start with, let us suggest you something – “It’s never true, that law firms giving high quotes for their services are the best ones in Thailand”. Don’t get carried away by the sophistication of talks and the process of starting a conversation or deal. You may suffer delay or transactional setbacks in later stages. Do your research properly!

We, as a leading corporate law firm in Thailand, feel that even if you hesitate to reach out to us, you should make a well-informed and wise decision in making your selection. To support our feeling, we have shared some points that will help you take the best decision.

Ask the Internet – “Best Corporate Law Firm in Thailand”

Now we all have “the internet” in our pockets. Simply ask Google or Safari for the “best corporate law firms in Thailand”, by typing the same on the search bar or doing a voice search. Within a fraction of a second, you will be able to see a non-exhaustive list of law firms and corporate lawyers in Thailand. 

But the results that are ranking on top in the search engines may not be the ones you are looking for!

Have you gone through the reviews? That should be your first target to check upon. Check the reviews and try to identify how many of them sound natural to you. Remember that to rank up in search engines many businesses and organizations use resources to get paid reviews. So comments in the reviews that sound highly professional and perfect in English needs to have your consideration of their genuineness.

Check the reviews and try to match the statements of the reviewers with your case or the service that you require from that law firm. If you can find a resonance, you can proceed and contact them.

Seek References and Recommendations

In this case, two types of your acquaintances can help you out. First, any of your family members or friends who is/are living here in Thailand. Second, any of your business connections who have their branches, affiliations, units, or associates operating here in Thailand. This will be the most trustworthy source of information to help you find the “Best Corporate Law Firm in Thailand.

If you have this option active, then there is no need to rely on any other source of information or do any further research. However, there can be times when the referred or recommended lawyer, law firm, or agency may not be appropriate for your requirement.

In that case, you can take reference from the law firm that your acquaintances have referred you for. Being a unit in the circle of trust, they will surely help you with the correct information and connect you with the right professional.

Cross-check with the Authorities

Every law firm or agency holds a registration number in Thailand. The same goes for lawyers as well. This is a global practice. Therefore, after getting convinced about the ability of any law firm or agency, or lawyer in Thailand, do check their authenticity. There are certain websites of relevant authorities that can help you find the difference. Let us help you with the links –

To check Corporate Law Firms in Thailand: Department of Business Development Data Warehouse

To check Lawyer Profiles in Thailand: Lawyer Council of Thailand under Royal Patronage

These two are the most trustworthy sources to check the authenticity of any corporate lawyer or law firm in Thailand. If you can’t see the name of the Thai law firm or lawyer listed in these databases, be assured that they are not registered entities and are carrying on their business illegally.

Be True to Share your Plans and Bold to Ask Questions

After completing all of the above stages, you can be apparently confident that you have found the best corporate law firm in Thailand. But, never be assured that this is going to be the best. It is because once you start believing this, you will fail to gain the confidence to ask questions.

Your corporate lawyer can help you only if you are able to disclose your business plan clearly. For example, merely stating that “I want to do manufacturing business in Thailand” will never work. You should state your objectives very clearly – “I want to start a production unit in Bangkok to manufacture automobile parts”. 

The more clear you can be in sharing your plans, the better suggestions and advice can you expect from your lawyer. Additionally, you may receive suggestions for benefits like:

After you share your requirements in detail, the corporate lawyer will now be able to guide you with the best options. Now after patiently listening to all the advice, suggestions, and guidance of the lawyer you approach, feel free to ask him/her/them the following few questions:

– Have you registered such a type of company before?

If Yes, ask for references. They may talk about non-disclosure agreements, but still, they can share the name of the company with you.

If No, ask, have you registered any similar business structure earlier?

– Do you have strong relations with Thai authorities?

If Yes, then there’s an assurance that your process is going to be complete very fast. However, no need to dive into demotivation if the answer is No.

– How many similar types of company registration requests do you receive in a month?

– Will you be able to appoint a dedicated officer or legal professional for my task?

– What is the minimum and maximum time that you need to complete my registration process?

– Can you help me with a simple outline of the cost involved in the process?

While receiving the answers, keep the following things under observation:

  • Was the reception warm enough and you were feeling comfortable in the premises and company?
  • Were the lawyers confident enough in disclosing their capabilities and answering your questions?
  • Were they able to answer all your queries in a single sitting or did they take any break during the session?
  • Were they listening to your explanations about the task patiently or interfering in your speech?
  • Did they postpone some of the answers that they will deliver at the next meeting or over email or call?

Overall, you have to trust your instincts in this case. If you feel comfortable and gain confidence in the capabilities of the firm you approach after researching or gaining references, you may proceed.
However, if all these seem difficult, you may email us at

We are a Department of Business Development of Thailand registered corporate law firm in Thailand since 2013. We patiently listen to our client’s requirements and then share our capabilities by which they can easily achieve success in their business objectives. To date, more than 1000 companies got benefitted from our services. Want to be the next one? Write to us!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Register a Company in Thailand in 2023


Thailand’s extensive regulations and language requirements make starting a business a challenging task. You must know that there are some changes in the process of company registration in Thailand in 2023. The amendments may make the process easier or maybe, difficult for you. However, you can successfully complete the process with the help of reliable experts who can speak Thai on your behalf. 

Our qualified Thai lawyers at Konrad Legal Company Limited are committed to assisting you with a successful business start-up. Additionally, we offer a thorough one-stop solution that includes advice for foreigners looking to invest in or obtain licenses in Thailand as well as aid with tax benefits under the Board of Investment in Thailand (BOI). This article will outline the most current changes to Thai legislation regarding company registration regulations, which take effect on February 7, 2023.

Click the link to know the general rules of company registration in Thailand in 2023

Here are the Updates on Company Registration in Thailand in 2023!

Promoters and Shareholders

A minimum of two natural individuals must act as promoters in order to register a company in Thailand. To represent the company, these promoters must be at least 21 years old and legally able to do so. Promoters often own an equal portion of the business, with the ability to sell shares to third parties when the company is registered. Also, there must always be a minimum of two shareholders for the duration of the business.


To oversee the company’s activities and represent it, the shareholders must appoint at least one director.

Registered Office

The head office of your business must be in Thailand. A copy of the house registration (Tabien Baan) number must be provided. A letter of consent from the landlord is necessary if you’re renting office space.

Minimum Capital Registration

Foreign companies must have a minimum registered capitalization of 2 million THB in order to operate in non-restricted areas. The minimum capitalization requirement for companies operating in restricted industries as defined by the Foreign Business Act is 3 million THB. Thai-owned businesses are immune from these rules, but they still need to be financially stable in order to maintain work visas for international employees.

Statutory Meeting

As part of the procedure to register a company, a statutory meeting must be called.

Bank Certification

Thai shareholders with foreign shareholders are required to have a letter from the bank validating the amount of money in their personal bank account.

Signing of Application Documents

In Thailand, all shareholders, initial promoters, and directors must sign the necessary application paperwork. Click the link for the final checklist of documents required for company registration in Thailand.

Foreign Business License

Before starting operations, you must get a Foreign Business License (FBL) in Thailand. However, this is mandatory only if your company is classified as limited under the Foreign Business Act of Thailand. The FBL approval procedure may take three to six months.


A successful business creation requires an understanding of Thailand’s procedures for company registration. You can speed up the registration process by making sure that the required minimum of promoters and shareholders is met, appointing a director, establishing a registered office, achieving the capitalization criteria, and completing the required documents and certification procedures. 

Konrad Legal Company Limited offers thorough help and direction during the entire process. Please see our dedicated page for company registration in Thailand or contact our team for more information. We will surely help set up a company limited with 100% or a majority of shares held by a foreign business. You can also email us at and our team will get back to you within 1 business day!

Originally Published on 24 June 2023 by Konrad Legal Company Limited

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Start a Brewery in Thailand


Your plan to start a brewery in Thailand is surely going to multiply your dollars in a very short span of time. Want to know the reasons? Here they are:

  • Revenue generation increased by 5.39% in the segment in the last fiscal
  • People spending on the purchase of Alcoholic Beer increased by 5.17% in 2021-22
  • 65.8% of Thais who consume alcohol regularly prefer Beer
  • Thailand’s Beer and Cider market expects to gain a CAGR of more than 7% by 2027

These are not stories, but, trustworthy data coming from reliable sources like Statista, KPMG, and Kadence International. We express our gratitude for that. The Thai market holds the potential and has growth opportunities with multiple prospects of expansion if you brew here. But before all, you must know about the process to start a brewery in Thailand.

The Process to Open a Brewery in Thailand

To start a brewery in Thailand, you need to fulfill several legal requirements and obtain the necessary licenses and permits. Here are some key legal considerations:

Register a Thai Business Entity

Register your business entity in Thailand with the Department of Business Development or the Board of Investment in Thailand. The most common business types are a private limited company (Co., Ltd.) or a public limited company (PLC).

Obtain the Brewing License

Apply for a brewing license from the Excise Department, which is responsible for regulating the production and distribution of alcoholic beverages. This license allows you to legally produce beer in Thailand.

Apply for Excise Tax License

Obtain an excise tax license from the Excise Department. This license is necessary for paying excise taxes on your beer production and sales. The tax rates may vary depending on the type and alcohol content of the beer.

Obtain the Food and Beverage License

Apply for a food and beverage license from the local health department or municipality. This license ensures compliance with health and safety regulations, including sanitation and food handling practices.

Label Approval

Submit your beer labels to the Excise Department for approval. The labels must meet specific requirements, including accurate alcohol content, ingredients, and warning labels.

Apply for Trademark Registration

Consider registering your brewery name, logos, and brand trademarks with the Department of Intellectual Property to protect your intellectual property rights.

Ensure Compliance with Regulations

  • Ensure compliance with local regulations regarding wastewater management, waste disposal, and environmental impact assessments.
  • Follow advertising and labeling regulations related to alcoholic beverages.
  • Comply with health and safety regulations to ensure a safe working environment for your employees and the quality of your products. This includes adhering to sanitation standards, maintaining proper storage facilities, and implementing safety protocols.

By now, it must be clear to you that there is a great deal of legal and regulatory compliance associated with the process. Therefore, before you put the first step to starting your brewery in Thailand, you must consult with a professional Thai corporate law firm. Email us at so that we can be by your side to enable you to start brewing in Thailand!

Monday, July 17, 2023

How to Apply for Digital Nomad Visa in Thailand?


Do you have a plan to live and work as a digital nomad in Thailand? Or perhaps you want to go to Thailand to work remotely for multinational corporations. In either case, you should know about and apply for a Thai Remote Working Visa to work and live as a digital nomad in Thailand. 

In response to the rise of remote employment, Thailand has introduced a digital nomad visa to tempt foreigners who seek to work and live in the country for an extended period of time. In this article, we'll cover all you need to know about the Thai Remote Working Visa, such as how to apply, what requirements you must meet, how helpful the visa is, and what it's like to live and work as a digital nomad in Thailand.

Remote Working or Digital Nomad Visa

The "digital nomad visa," a recently established visa category in Thailand, enables citizens of any nation to dwell and conduct business there. The validity period is one year while working online. Independent contractors and remote workers can benefit from this visa. Applicants must fulfill many requirements in order to be eligible for this visa. Also, it may take a few weeks to finish the application procedure. If the applicants complete the necessary requirements, the visa may be renewed for another year.

Who can get a Remote Working Visa in Thailand?

These requirements allow digital nomads to stay and work in Thailand for up to a year. People can benefit from the local way of life while working remotely. The fact that any foreign national can qualify for Thailand's Digital Nomad Visa is the best part. Applicants must meet a number of requirements, including:

  • Have employment or a reliable source of income from overseas that pays at least 50,000 Baht per month. 
  • Hold a passport that is still valid for at least another year 
  • Should not have any type of criminal record.
  • Must be able to show proof of health insurance throughout their stay in Thailand. The insurance must cover both COVID-19 and general medical care.
  • Obtain a COVID-19 test result within 72 hours of leaving for Thailand and complete a health examination.
  • Must agree to abide by Thai laws and regulations. This includes reporting to immigration officials every 90 days and giving them 24 hours notice of any change of address.

Do you meet all the prerequisites and conditions? You may now be interested in learning how to apply for a Thai Remote Working Visa. It's all covered in the following portion of this post!

How to Apply for a Thai Remote Working Visa?

  • Complete all necessary paperwork. This includes the current passport, evidence of health and travel insurance, and a criminal background check. Additionally, documentation of a job or self-employment as a digital nomad is also mandatory.
  • Complete the online application form and pay the application fee.
  • Send in your application, and then wait for the Thai government to assess it. This procedure could take up to 30 days.
  • You will be given a Certificate of Entry if your application is accepted. Henceforth, you can come to Thailand and apply for a visa here.
  • You must renew the visa at the neighborhood immigration office every 90 days for a maximum of one year of validity.

You can apply for your Thai Digital Nomad Visa and start working remotely in Thailand now that you are aware of the procedures. But it will always be wise to go for a consultation with the best immigration professionals and lawyers in Thailand. Simply email us at to get the best services to facilitate your application for a Thai Remote Working Visa.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Company Registration in Thailand for Americans


It is pretty easy for Americans to start their business in Thailand. The US-Thai Amity Treaty makes it more convenient for US Citizens to register their business in the kingdom. So if you are an American investor or business owner, it will be our pleasure to guide you through the process and merits of starting your business in Thailand. Read through this comprehensive guide on company registration in Thailand for Americans.

To start with, you must know about the US-Thai Amity Treaty. It is because the major benefits of starting your business in Thailand as a US Citizen are due to this document w.e.f May 29, 1996.

Benefits of US-Thai Amity Treaty for US Investors

The Thailand Treaty of Amity intends to give both companies and individuals significant advantages while operating enterprises in Thailand. For example, the US gained two significant trade benefits via the Thailand Treaty of Amity:

American companies and individuals can own the majority of the shares in a Thai company, branch office, or representative office in Thailand.

In general, foreign investors can own up to 49% of shares of their company in Thailand. To own more, they need to apply for a foreign business license in Thailand, and the process is very time and effort-consuming.

American businesses can operate on the same terms as Thai businesses. Additionally, they are exempt from the majority of the foreign investment limitations set by the Alien Business Law of 1972.

In general, there are severe restrictions imposed on the investment category, volume, and business type for foreign investors in Thailand until the Foreign Business Act allows for it.

The above two points clearly indicate that as a US investor in Thailand, you are already ahead of other foreign investors in 2 dimensions. Firstly, in terms of ease of registering a company with high authority on the company shares. And finally, your company will enjoy a greater level of freedom and presence in Thailand’s business community due to the exemptions in the investment category. The other few advantages can be elaborated as follows:

No Requirement of a Thai Partner

The ability to establish a company under the Treaty of Amity without the customary need of having a Thai partner may be the biggest benefit. A US citizen or US firm with US citizens as stakeholders must be the main stakeholder.

Extended Scope of Legal Protection

Businesses incorporated by the Treaty of Amity are shielded against Thai government nationalization and expropriation of their assets. In the event of a dispute with the Thai government, they also have recourse to international dispute resolution processes including international arbitration.

Access to Tax and Non-Tax Benefits

It is simpler and more appealing for businesses under the Treaty of Amity to conduct business in Thailand. It is due to the permitted rights and exemptions, including tax exemptions and reductions.

Which One is Beneficial for a US Investor: Amity Treaty or BOI Registration?

This decision depends on many criteria. It can be the nature of the business, the corporate objectives, and the requirements and priorities of the company. You have to closely scrutinize your business type and objective and match it with the benefits of both plans. This will help you determine whether an Amity Treaty company, a BOI (Board of Investment) certificate, or both are better for your business.

Amity Treaty companies offer specific legal protections and rights, as well as advantageous investment and economic circumstances. This makes it a viable alternative for companies wishing to establish a long-term presence in Thailand.

For tax and non-tax benefits of the Thai government, you will have to apply for a certificate from the Board of Investment. Note that, your business will be eligible for these privileges only if it serves the target industries and activities.

Eligibility & Requirements for Amity Treaty Company in Thailand


  • For American Sole Proprietorship Firm: Applicant must be a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization.
  • For a U.S. Company acquiring a Thai Company, Partnership, Branch Office, Joint Venture, or Limited Company: Applying entity must be owned by U.S. citizen(s) by birth or naturalization
  • For a Thai Company with a Majority of American shareholders – U.S. citizens by birth or naturalization.

Document Requirement to Register an Amity Treaty Company

  • For Sole Proprietorship Firm: A notarized copy of the owner’s passport or birth certificate
  • To incorporate Thai Partnership/ Thai Limited Company/ Joint Venture
    – Articles of Incorporation
    – An Affidavit of the Corporate Officer
    – Bylaws of the company
  • For the application of a subsidiary to the parent company, documents about the parent company should be submitted
  • For a US company willing to invest directly in the Thai company: Notarized proof showing that the majority of the owners and directors of both the company are US nationals.

Process & Timeline for Amity Treaty Company Registration in Thailand

Company Registration in Thailand under the Treaty of Amity has to undergo the following steps:

  1. The applicant must submit the required paperwork proving it complies with Thai legislation.
  2. After scrutiny and verification of the paperwork, the Thai Department of Business Registration receives confirmation that the business complies with all legal criteria.
  3. The business submits more supporting papers to the Thai Ministry of Commerce to finish the certification procedure.

A U.S. Treaty of Amity corporation can typically be established in four to five weeks. A single error, though, might extend the procedure by weeks or even months. However, you don’t have to worry about the approval process taking longer. It is because Konrad Legal Company Limited makes sure the paperwork is accurate and filed on time.
When reading through this article you must have come across the option of Board of Investment option as well. As a leading corporate law firm in Thailand, we specialize in registering a BOI company for foreign investors as well. Is your plan ready for company registration in Thailand? Please feel free to write us at We will revert within one Thai working day with the best solution for your business objectives in Thailand.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

What Documents are Mandatory to Register a Company in Thailand?

documents to register company in thailand

The success of your plan to register a company in Thailand depends on various factors. They can be your investment capacity, the feasibility of your business idea, the level of acceptance by the Thai authorities, etc. But there is another primary requirement that you must be serious enough not to ignore. It is – “Documents Required for Company Registration in Thailand”.

As a leading corporate law and accounting firm in Thailand, we come across many requirements and applications for company registration in Thailand on a regular basis. We often experience that in spite of having all the capabilities to invest and the highest possibilities of achieving success, many individuals and businesses often step back. The reason behind this is they are unable to produce the documents required for company registration in Thailand. 

We don’t want you to fall prey to such a situation. Therefore, through this article, we want to share the list of documents that you must have to register your company in Thailand. Along with the list, we would also help you with some best practices to help you achieve success in your business objectives in Thailand.

General List of Documents for Company Registration in Thailand

Let us update you on the fact that you can register different forms of business in Thailand. It can be an LLP, a Public Limited Company, an Amity Treaty Company, or a BOI-promoted company. Irrespective of the type of business or its structure, there are certain documents that you have to produce in all cases. This section will tell you about the 10 most important documents for company registration in Thailand.

The first step in the process of registering your business in Thailand is to reserve a name for your new company. To start a representative or branch office in Thailand, the name of your existing business can be considered. You must provide 3-4 names to ensure that it does not infringe any copyright. After undergoing this stage, you have to proceed with the company registration involving the following documents:

1. Memorandum of Association (MOA)

This document outlines the company’s objectives, registered capital, shareholders’ details, and other key information.

2. Articles of Association (AOA)

The AOA specifies the internal regulations and rules governing the company’s operations, including the roles and responsibilities of directors and shareholders.

3. Company Affidavit

A signed affidavit by the company’s director(s) confirming compliance with the requirements for company registration.

4. Shareholder’s and/or Directors’ Identification Card and Passport

Identification documents, such as ID cards or passports, of all shareholders along with the identification documents of all directors.

5. Company Name Reservation 

A document confirming the approved company name by the Ministry of Commerce. This is obtained before the actual registration process which we already discussed on.

6. Proof of Registered Address

Documents demonstrating the company’s registered address, such as a lease agreement or title deed.

7. List of Shareholders and/or Directors

A document listing the shareholders’ names, nationalities, addresses, and the number of shares each holds. Additionally, you may need a document providing details of the directors, including their names, nationalities, addresses, and positions.

8. Shareholder Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the meeting, the shareholders agreed to establish the company and appointed directors.

9. Company Registration Application Form 

A completed application form for company registration, including information about the company’s structure and shareholders.

10. Power of Attorney (if applicable)

A document authorizing a representative to act on behalf of the company during the registration process.

These are the documents that you have to attach with a completed application form to the Department of Business Development to register your company in Thailand.

Best Practices: Prepare Documents for Company Registration in Thailand

The Department of Business Development, the Revenue Department, and the Board of Investment are very particular in the documentation stage. There is stringency in this process in all nations whenever you are thinking of registering your business. However, when in Thailand, please follow these practices that can ensure success across all stages of company registration in Thailand.

Identify the Industry

In many cases, the list of documents required for company registration in Thailand depends on the type of industry you want to do business. For example, the list of documents for a manufacturing business can differ from that of a trading business. Therefore, identify the type of industry your business idea is pitching on.

Finalize the Business Structure

Do you want to form a sole proprietorship firm, partnership business, public limited company, or a virtual business in Thailand? Go through your business plan, investment capacity, and market potential research to affirm the type of business structure you really need. The document requirement varies on this ground as well. In case of confusion, you may consult with a corporate law firm in Thailand.

Gain an understanding of the Thai Regulations

Do research on the application procedures and methodologies for company registration in Thailand. By this, you can understand the significance of every document that you have to submit in the process. With this understanding, it will be easy for you to provide the necessary details and proper information. The website of the Department of Business Development of Thailand furnishes all this information. If you are unable to understand, take the help of a professional corporate lawyer in Thailand.     

Get the Best Support on your Side for Thai Company Registration

Whether you are a Thai or a Foreign Investor, you must have a deep understanding of the regulations governing the company registration process in Thailand. Additionally, providing all the documents required for company registration in Thailand is an integral part of these regulations. To get the best support by your side, you must hire a reliable and professional Thai corporate lawyer for the process. To get the best, email us at and our team of experts will get back to you within one Thai working day.