Thursday, February 15, 2018

Who Are the 10 Top Accounting Firms in Thailand?

Difficult to answer as the largest not always mean the best. Moreover, experiences vary from city to city and client to client. However, I have tried to jot down top 10 accounting firms in Thailand based on my study and experience.

Here goes;
1.  Konrad Legal: Extremely professional, timely delivery and a group of expertise; these are the USPs. Importantly, they have over 15+ experience and have served a wide number of clients. Aside, they offer services at quite a competitive price. Though, my personal favorite is Konrad Legal for a lot of reasons apart from the mentioned above, since the article is about top 10 accounting firms here are some other options. However, you need to meet Konrad Legal and team to know why they are liked by so many, including me of course.

2.  Mazars:  One of the biggest advantages is that they offer a multinational composition of the advisors. Like Konrad Legal, they too offer solutions globally. They provide a full-range service including payroll, audit, company secretarial, business advisory service and legal.

3.  HLB (Thailand) Ltd: It’s been more than 10 years; this company has been in business. They are one of the many accounting firms operating under HLB International that is again a member of Forum of Firms.

4.  B-Accounting: They are familiar enough with the International rules and regulations so that their clients can put their trust in them. As the company has multi-lingual experts they can communicate with the clients in almost all the languages.

5.  M&E (Thailand) Co., Ltd: This German-Thai organization has their close association with the accounting software supplier companies like MAC5 and Quickbooks.

6.  Interactive Associates: The best part about them is that though they have a handful of employees with them they are rendering services to clients globally.

7.  Panwa Group: Apart from accounting, they offer a number of other services too as their experience has led them to a better understanding of the Thai market and culture.

8.  MSNA Group: They have made quite a place for themselves, serving the reputed business organizations in Thailand as well as internationally.

9.  Administration Outsourcing Co., Ltd:  They believe in directing the limited resources of the clients to a productive market area. They are constantly pushing their limits to become one of the top Thai accounting companies.

10. PKF Thailand: One of the oldest accounting companies in Thailand who works with a vision; “Right People. Right Size. Right Solution".

Friday, February 9, 2018

Did You Just Realize Your Tax Consultant has Made a Mathematical Goof? Question Your Hiring Process First!

Glad that you are not one of those who would first take up the taxation work all by themselves and then suffer. But not being careful when choosing the one isn’t good too. So if you see your tax consultant in Thailand making mistakes, do not be amazed. Ask yourself these questions and try to find the answer. If you have done these already, ensure not repeating the same;

  1. Did you choose your tax consultant because he is an ex-Thailand Auditor? Just because someone is an ex-Thai auditor that only doesn’t guarantee his expertise always. Even though you have all the faith in him, it is suggested to always check his testimonials and client base. 
  2. Did you not consider the bigger picture?  Your company is more than just taxes. Hence, the tax strategy you choose should be a part of the larger business strategy. You must understand that the best solution for a tax problem may not be the ultimate solution for the business as a whole. Your tax consultant or preparer should have enough business knowledge as well.
  3. Was your decision based on price alone? Definitely, the price is, important, but that cannot be the only deciding factor, for obvious reasons. Not all service providers that charge high delivers high-quality service and vice versa. Hence, the price should come into consideration when everything else is equal. 
  4. Did you choose your tax consultant depending on a single phone call? Well, there are good speakers and there are good service providers. Not all good speakers can be good service providers or vice versa. So deciding one simply based on the phone call might not be a wise thing to do. 
  5. Did you choose someone who didn’t guarantee satisfaction? Each tax consulting firm should be completely accountable for their job. In case you aren’t pleased with the service in all the way, you shouldn’t pay for it. So, always ask if they guarantee satisfaction and ensure that guarantee is in writing. 
  6. Did you not check the clients’ review? Most service providers, be it a tax consultancy agency or any other will say anything about their former works. Sadly, some of those may not be true. So, your Thai tax consultant must be willing to share references or at least you must be able to read the shared reviews. 

Checklists Before Hiring Local Tax Consultants in Thailand

Before the tax time looms, it is vital to keep the tax records updated and ready to avoid submission of a sloppy form. Who would even want to scramble for documentation last minute? While doing your business taxes yourself is not advisable, especially when you do not have any hands-on experience, you must and should seek a professional, provided you do not make these mistakes.